Tuesday 4 June 2013

Inmortal colors

Inmortal colours

Inmortal colours

Sara González as:

Old Rachel
Young Rachel

Miriam Ramírez as:

Old man

Sit down honey. Here is the story of a very important moment in the past, the story of a change.
Year 3000. The situation was really difficult. After a world war everything was controlled by the government; there were straight norms and laws. The survivals of the war had forbidden to talk about the past. It seems that it was happier and they wanted to hidden this to the rest of the population. We must wear dark clothes, we could not ask, the buildings were grey or black, and all cars were black and also the sky.
It was a rainy day, like always. Robert and I went to the clearing to play. The clearing was full of big stones, it was said that long time ago there was a school. We were imagining we were pirates and we were looking for a treasure. At that moment we could not imagine how our lives would change from that moment.
It was really difficult to find something different there when suddenly:
Robert: Rachel, come here! Look!
Rachel: What happen?
I did not know how to react. There was something between two big stones, something we have never seen before.
Rachel: What is that Robert? It is very strange!
Robert: It is our treasure! Help me catch it!
Rachel: Let’s go home and ask our parents, they maybe know something about it.
It wasn’t black, it wasn’t grey, it was dirty but funny, happy, and it seems to be alive! It shined!
We were walking home, talking, laughing and wondering about our treasure. We felt happy. Oh honey, we were really happy.
We could not arrive home, a dark car stopped in front of us, we did not surprise, as you know, all cars were dark but we could not imagine that we should have run away from that car.
Two men took us inside. I don’t know why but I hidden our treasure in my bag.
The driver asked us if we have something to tell them, they said they were the police so we have to tell them the truth.
I was scared, afraid of what was going to happen to us, we could not ask and we didn’t know where we were going.
Robert: Where are you taking us?
Police: You must know questions are forbidden!
Robert: Yes I know it but maybe you should advice our parents.
Police: Your parents know it, stop asking boy!
We arrived to a big, tall flat, same as the rest, grey. Inside the building everything was grey and black. A voice talked to us:
Voice: Robert and Rachel, you know you have something to tell us. Don’t lie or it will be worse.
I don’t know why but I knew that object was important. It was our secret and I wanted to keep it like that. It had made us happy for a moment and it will make us happy forever.
 Rachel: We have been playing, imagining and having fun, that’s all.
Voice: Rachel, you are a good girl, I know it but you are lying and you know. Sir, take this children to the reflection room, maybe there they remember something.
Rachel: Robert please hug me, i’m scared…
Robert: Don’t worry Rachel, I will protect you always.
Rachel: What are this people doing here? Why are they so old? Where are we Robert?
Old man: Oh kids, what have you done?
Robert: Nothing, I swear, we have just played in the clearing.
Old man: Oh I see. Did you find something? Something you know it’s not normal?
Rachel: Yes, is something we have never seen before. Do you know what this is?
Old man: Where did you find this?
Robert: In the clearing.
Old man: Kids, This is dangerous, it is a toy from the past…From the forbidden past… You have found colours.
Rachel and Robert: COLOURS?
Old man: Yes, colours. These shiny things are called colours, they were used in the past, they give live to things, they made people happier… Oh I remember those days… We were so happy. But after the war… after the war the colours were totally forbidden. Colours are a secret from the past, now you have the chance to keep the secret or to tell it to the rest of the humans…
Rachel: I want everybody to know about it!
Robert: Yes! But how?
Old man: Go out. Talk to him; tell him a lie, a reason for your laughing and he will let you go.
And we did it. We told the voice we have kissed in the stones and that we thought we were in love but that we were ashamed. Honey, it was one of the best moments of my life. We were lying, but not so much…
We went out, scared but happy and together. I still had our treasure with me and I was sure I will keep it with me forever.
Dear Katrini, from that moment your grandfather and me have never separated one from each other. We have been travelling around the world, showing colours to the rest of the people, making them happier.
Now honey, the secret is yours. The contribution to the changed of this sad world is yours. I want you to know that colours made my life happier, I felt in love with your grandfather the day I learned about colours and I’m still in love with both of them. Keep this secret with someone special honey but shout it to the world.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Imposible thing

Ring!!! Ring!!!

A: Hello!

B: Happy birthday love!!!   What gift would you like?

A: ... mmm ...     ...mmm...   I know! Pass all exams!!!!

B: Sorry love, but I´m not a magician...  



Men: I remember when I saw the flash in your eye just as you arrived...

Woman: Why am I not surprised?

    ... SILENCE ...

Men: Sorry, I don´t want you to go yet... I´m learning how to cautiously rise.

Monday 27 May 2013


A: Hey men, i´m poor, can you help me?

B: Lo siento no le entiendo no hablo inglés.

A: No pasa nada, yo hablo español, puede usted ayudarme por favor.

B: EEEEERRRRRMMMMM,  Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas anglais.

Friday 17 May 2013

Last scene

Open your eyes...Wake up! 
A knife in your hands. Blood, all around you. 
It must be a dream. Wake up!
Your favourite teacher of the CES laying next to you, dead. 
Why? Why did you do that? WAKE UP!

Now you feel good, the claps of your mates, your family...
The best scene you have ever done. Thank you teacher.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Disparities found in the examination.


 Not a problem! Is lightweight, easy to digest an especially nutritious.There are big bags for peeling. It has razed the ground.

An exam is like a big bags for peeling.